~~ 除非你先給自己愛跟慈悲,否則你無法在你內在愛自己.~~
你永遠都不會有"錯誤"的感受. 只有你覺得好或者是壞的感受. 感受會擴展你的靈魂, 還有感受會讓你去碰觸. 然而在每個情況下,你的感受想要引導你更仁慈的去愛你自己.
不管你當下的感受是甚麼,做一下深呼吸,首先先接受你自己的樣子.送給自己慈悲這樣禮物. 感覺今天我是快樂的!今天我是悲傷的.在此刻我是生氣的,或者我是累的.除非你先給自己愛跟慈悲,否則你無法在你內在愛自己.
簡單的問你自己,在喜悅,憤怒,悲傷....在這些感覺中,你是如何試著要教導自己更善待自己? 喜悅可能會說,"是的,給我更多的快樂!" 悲傷可能會說,"親愛的天使們,親愛的朋友,親愛的伴侶,我需要一個擁抱."憤怒可能會說,"我想要較好的對待.我必須要不一樣的對待我自己,我需要改變我的行為,或我需要設定界線."
在任何情況下,我們天使都不會建議你把你的感受怪罪到另外一個人身上.其他人是引發這些感受,但是這些感受是在你之內的.這些感受一直在同個程度(不管是明顯與否),都是對"愛"的呼喊.所以對那些引發你悲傷或憤怒的人送上祝福.原因是因為他們把你靈魂中需要更多愛的地方顯露出來.或許是你需要更多的愛:或許是你需要走開,但是在每個狀況下,你被迫去看你內在的某個東西, 那是你先前沒有賦予愛的,而現在希望能夠被愛的地方.
你的感受是靈魂的訊息使者. 去注意那些訊息, 它們會拓展到更大的光. 忽略了它們,它們就會略過它們原來的用處. 親愛的合一們,每一件事確實都是協助去顯露出更多的愛.
傳訊者: Ann Albers
Those loving feelings
Never ever can you have a "wrong" feeling. There are only feelings that feel good, and feelings that feel bad. There are feelings that expand your soul, and feelings that cause you to contract. In every case, however, your feelings are attempting to guide you to love yourselves more kindly.
So no matter what you are feeling, take a breath, and first of all, accept yourself, as you are. Give yourself the gift of compassion. Today I am happy! Today I am sad. In this moment I am angry. I am tired. You cannot find the love within you unless you give yourself love and compassion first.
Then ask yourself, simply, "Joy / Anger / Sadness / etc... how are you trying to teach me to be kinder to myself?" Joy might say, "Yes, more of this please!" Sadness might say, "I need a hug dear angels, dear friend, dear spouse..." Anger might say, "I really want better treatment. I must treat myself differently / change my behaviors / set a boundary."
In no circumstance ever do we suggest you blame a feeling on another human being. Others trigger these feelings, but these feelings are inside of you. They are always, at some level – whether obvious or not – a cry for more love. So bless even those who inspire sadness or anger, for example, because they are exposing areas in your soul that need greater love. Perhaps the greater love is to reach out; perhaps to walk away, but in each case you have been forced to look at something inside of yourself that was not previously loved and now wishes to be loved.
Your feelings are messengers from the soul. Pay attention to their messages and they will dissipate into a greater light. Ignore them and they will spiral beyond their original usefulness. Everything, dear ones, ... absolutely everything, is conspiring to reveal more love.